Saturday, February 11, 2017

Oh yea

New truck for the new year 

Why I love living here

Just awesome 

10 Years!

Really just thought about this blog and looked it up again.  Have not posted in over a year, but then realized it's been 10 years since I first created this.  It was from a suggestion of a co-worker before I went on a road trip to see my cousin and his husband in Arizona.

A lot has happened since then, and since I last posted.  Life changed when I lost my dad, moved in with my mom to keep up their place and to keep her from having to move.  I've become accustomed to a more simple life than I had, and it's all been for the good.  Not only for my mom, but for my self being too.

I've met some awesome people the last year, some come and gone, some still linger around, really unsure of the "friend" status or more. But time will tell.  I've put my self emotions on the back burner and turned it off.  No time for games or anything really serious.  I admit I miss the freedom I had, but for years since I was able to contemplate life did I finally find out why I'm here.

So I'm better off than before, and getting better each day.

Celebrate life, spend all the time you can with those that matter most, because someday, like myself, you will sit and look at the empty chair that brought you so much love and joy into the life you tried to figure out.