Sunday, May 31, 2020

You have no idea how 
long something you say can stay in someone's 

Scarlett Leithold 
Have you ever been so disappointed 
in someone that you forgive them and 
don't say anything, but in your head, 
you detach yourself from them 
I can cut you off and still love you. 
I can stop speaking to you and 
still care for you. I can let you 
go and still wish you 
the best. 

If I leave you alone, it's not to be 
bitter or petty, it's for my own good. 
If I let you go, it's because I need to 
be happy, with or without you 
in my life. 
If someone makes you feel like 
you're disturbing them, do yourself 
a favor and never bother them 
Be with someone 
who sees the wars 
within you and not 
only chooses to stay, 
but chooses to stand 
by your side and help 
you fight them. 
Be with someone 
who sees the wars 
within you and not 
only chooses to stay, 
but chooses to stand 
by your side and help 
you fight them. 

Friday, May 29, 2020

An honest man will fight 
until he can't anymore and 
once he walks away, you will 
never see him again. 
A good man knows 

one man is enough, 

just like a good man 
Knows one man is 


Wednesday, May 27, 2020

A dead battery can't 
jump another dead 
battery. Get away from 
people who can't
charge your spirit when 
you need a jump

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Toxic people make you think 
you're holding a grudge when 
you're really holding a 
Some days you will be 
the light for others and 
Some days you will 
some light from them. 
As long as there is light,  
there is hope, and there 
is a way. 
The person that looks 
out for everybody is 
always alone when they 
need somebody. 
You are not weak for 
wanting to 
have someone in your 
life who wholesomely 
and wholeheartedly 
adores you. 
Pray about 
it before you 
make that 

Monday, May 25, 2020

Sometimes the 
love of your life 
comes after the 

biggest mistake 

of your life. 
In case you haven't been told lately. . . 
You are important. 
You are loved. 
And you matter. 
I never knew how 
strong I was until I had 
to forgive someone 
who wasn't sorry, and 
accept an apology 
I never received. 
Imagine loving someone that's 
actually healthy for you. 
Someone that creates good habits 
with you. 
Someone who's open minded and 
willing to serve with you. 
you deserve that kind of loved 

Sunday, May 24, 2020

The goal is to 
laugh forever 
with someone 
you take 
I'm proud of my heart. 
It's been played, 
stabbed, heated, 
burned and broken... 
but somehow still 

once I'm off you I'm 
completely off you @l 
The smartest thing 

a man can ever learn, 
is to never need a 

Saturday, May 23, 2020

l'm too old to worry about who 
likes me and who dislikes me. 
I have more important things 
to do. If you love me, I love you, 
If you support me, 
I If you hate me, 
I don't care. Life 


on with or without 

So many people from 
your past know a version 
of you that doesn't exist 
any more. 
I'm not looking for 

someone to save 

me. All I 
ne. All I want is 
for someone to 
stand by my side 
as I save myself. 
Ignoring red flags 
because you want 
to see the good in 
people will cost 
you later. 
Having someone 
you know you can 
text at any hour 
and tell absolutely 
anything and know 
they are trustworthy 
is truly one of 
life's blessings. 
I don't hide my 
scars. They are 
proof that I 
showed up for 
life. And fought.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Don't abuse a kind heart

It may never be offered again 
You either get bitter or 
you get better. It's that simple. 
You either take what has been dealt 
to you and allow it to make you a 
better person, or you allow it to tear 
you down. The choice does not 
belong to fate. it belongs to you. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Emotional abuse works like this: You are screamed at, 
and then, not knowing any better, you stand up for 
yourself. You think this is a way of being strong. You 
think this is a defense tactic.But this only provokes more 
screaming. Going silent provokes more screaming too, 
but usually it keeps the threats to the minimum. It keeps 
it just at screaming and not: a shove down the stairs, or 
order to pack your stuff and get out. So you learn how 
to go silent. How to play dead. How to cry without 
making a noise. How to swallow noise. How to wipe your 
cheeks, get out of the car, and go about your day. You 
learn. And when the screaming has stopped, when the 
two of you are in the car or out to dinner and they're all 
smiles, all asking for favors, all questions, you are still 
hurt and annoyed and want to ask them, how? How can 
you speak to me like that? How can you pretend you did 
not say those things? How can you have forgotten? But 
you've learned. So you listen to, "Can I borrow your 
key"s and "how was your day"s and you play dead. You 
swallow the noise. And sometimes it doesn't matter who 
is speaking to you, it doesn't matter if they're a friend, it 
doesn't matter if their criticism is constructive, it doesn't 
matter. You've learned. Any sort of speaking, any raising 
of the voice, any insult and you play dead 

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Any man can spend a man's money, 
ride in his car, order off 
the menu. 

But only a great man can help a man 
achieve his goals in life, support him, 
push him to be successful, shower him 
with positive energy, compliment him on 
a regular basis and never kick him while 
he is down. 

If you find a man like that, make him
your partner for life. 
People will quit on you. You gotta 
get up every day and make sure 
you never quit on yourself. 

Monday, May 18, 2020

Today you could be 
standing next to 
someone who is trying 
their best not to fall 
apart. So whatever 
you do today, do 
it with kindness 
in your heart. 
When you have 

a good heart: 
You help too much. 
You trust too much. 
You give too much. 
And it always seems 
like you're the one 
who gets hurt. 
if they gettin distant with you 
they getting close w someone 

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Never push a loyal
person to the 
point where they
no longer care 
Being in love isn't 
a mood, it's a 
commitment even 
when you're not in 
the mood for it. 
Do you ever wish you had never met someone because life would have 
been so much easier 

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Cheating is NOT a mistake. 

If you're truly in love with 
someone, you will not be able to 
kiss someone else without tasting 
your loved ones tears stain your 
lips. You will not be able to take 
your clothes off for someone else 
without feeling like a field ripped 
bare to its soil: 

Cheating is a choice; it's a choice 
you made because you obviously 
didn't give a single fuck about 
your relationship. 

Friday, May 15, 2020

Men, too, deserve to be 
spoiled, told they are 
handsome, told their efforts 
are appreciated, 
and should also be made 
to feel secure. 

If he treats you like a prince, 
treat him like a King. 

So fucking true!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

One day you will meet 
someone who will 
understand your story 
and protect you because 
they won't want you to 
suffer the same pain again. 
full offense but if I openly 
communicate the ways that your 
actions & words have hurt me & 
you choose to ignore my truth bc 
it challenges you, then I won't feel 
bad for removing you. I don't have 
time for immaturity, manipulation, 
projection or passive behavior, 
believe that. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

You deserve a love that won't 
keep you up worrying. 
You deserve a love that feels 
like home. 
A love that is certain. 
A love that makes sense. 
People don't abandon 
people they love. 

People abandon people 
they were using. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

No one ever got 
tired of loving. 

They got tired of 
waiting, assuming, 
hearing lies, saying 
sorry and hurting. 
When a train goes through a 
tunnel and it gets dark, you 
don't throw away your ticket 
and jump off. You sit still
and trust the engineer. 
You can't change 
someone who doesn't 

see an issue 

in their actions. 

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Saturday, May 9, 2020

If he's your man, 
hug him, kiss him, tell him
that you miss him, spoil 
him, love him, and NEVER 
let him feel like he's 

in competition . 
I forgave you before you even left
If I were the sun 
and you were the sky 
I'd never set. 
I'd hover above 
the edge of the water 
waiting for you 
to shine your stars 
on me so I could 
become bigger 
than what I am. 
I was brighter 
when I was with you. 
You don't give up on the 
people you love i said, 
"you just have to let them
go in order for them to 
Find their true happiness" 
"aren't they happy with 
you?" he asked, ''they 
won 't leave if they are" I 
exclaimed, how 
about your happiness?" he 
asked again, "they're 
happiness matters to me, 
even if it means...without 
me" i turned my back and 
walk away as a tear started 
to roll down my cheek. 

Friday, May 8, 2020







Marry someone you didn't have 
to give a million chances to 
because they appreciated you 
the first time around. 

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Faithful men 
will give you so much of 
their attention, you might 
start thinking it's because 
they have no other option. 

Truth is they have plenty, 
they just don't want to 
entertain the thought of 
anyone else. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

I miss you with every 
breath I take, I wish 
your sadness didn't 
take you away. 
Sometimes when I 
close my eyes I can 
still see you and I 
reach for you with my 
arms as if I cou]d still
hug you. I wish I 
could hug your 
demons away, or 
gravestone until you 
again would make 
jokes about how 
stupid I am. I miss 
you, and none of my 
grief will bring you 
back, but please know 
that time won't drive 
you away either. You 
are forever with me
If you ever wonder if I 
miss you, the answer is 
always..Some days it's
fierce, but over time, it's 
become gentler, like a 
constant melody, your 
name pouring through my 
mind, on repeat. Your 
memorv the undcrcurrent 
my days
Life changes. You lose love. 
You lose friends. You lose pieces 
of yourself that you never 
imagined would be gone. 

And then, without you even 
realizing it, these pieces come 
back. New love enters. Better 
friends come along. And a 
stronger, wiser you is staring 
back in the mirror. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

I want to make one thing very clear.  I'm not mad at you, I don't hate you,  I do not wish you any bad luck, nor do I hold any ill vindictive thoughts against you.  What happened happened.  You can't control it. it's not your fault.  I wanted to help but it just wasn't my place.  I hope you find what you are looking for,  peace in your soul.  I love you still,  that won't change. 
I don't like being led 
on, lied to, confused, 
none of that. 
Just tell me how it is.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

This man has fought a 
thousand battles and is still 
standing. Has cried a 
thousand tears and is still 
smiling. Has been broken, 
betrayed, abandoned, 
rejected, but he still walks proud, laughs loud,  lives without fear and loves 
without doubt. 
This man is Beautiful. 
This man is Humble. 
This man is ME! 

Saturday, May 2, 2020

He's going to be sorry he 
lost you, so stop 

Forget the past, forget 
the pain and remember 
what an incredible 
man you are. 
To whomever reading this, 
it means that God has wrapped 
His protective arms around you, 
blessing you with good health 

and another day to live. 
Do you believe? 
Eventually, you will meet a 
person who is tired of the 
games, too, and their 
loyalty will match yours. 

Personally this is bullshit,  fucking games is the norm. 
It took me a long time 
to understand what it 
means to forgive someone. I always 
wondered how I could forgive 
someone who chose to hurt me? 
But after a lot of soul searching, 
I realized that forgiveness is not 
about accepting or excusing their 
behavior. It's about letting it go 
and preventing their behavior from destroying my heart. 
Being alone may 

scare you. 

But staying in a 
bad relationship 
will damage you. 

Friday, May 1, 2020



So fucking true!

If he misses you, he'll call just to hear 
your voice. If he wants you, he'll say 
it. And if he cares, he'll show it. If he 
has a thought about you, it will come 
out of his mouth. If you are on his 
mind non-stop, he will do anything 
he can just to see you. 

If he truly likes you, he won't let get 
anything in the way and light back 
just to keep you in his arms. If not, he 
can't be worth your time because 
you're obviously not worth his.