Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Sleeping next to someone you 
love makes you fall asleep faster, 
reduces depression, and helps 
you live longer. 
Knowing when to leave 
is so important. 

The party. Thejob. 
The relationship. 
It's okay to be sad 
after making the right 
Sometimes closure arrives two 
years later, on an ordinary Friday 
afternoon, in a way you never 

expected or could have 

And you cry a little, and you laugh 
a little, and for the first time in a long 
time... you exhale. Because you 
are free. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

at the right time 
and place 
in the universe 
is a miracle 
i still 
believe in. 
Don't make excuses 
for nasty people. 
You can't put a flower 
in an asshole and call 
it a vase. 
Doing things alone is 
liberating, empowering, 
and... necessary! 

Some people are holding 
grudges against you for 
things they did to 

Never apologize for trusting 
your intuition. 

Your brain can play tricks, 
your heart can be blind, but 
your gut is always 
If you want to be 
trusted, be honest. 

Monday, September 28, 2020

Some peopIe are holding 
grudges against you for things 
they did to you. 
The black sheep is 
sometimes the only one 
telling the truth 

Sunday, September 27, 2020

If someone wants you in their 
life, they will make room for you. 
If you don't have 
good intentionsp please 
just leave me alone. 
I'm tired. 
Sometimes happiness looks 
like staying home, minding your 
business, telling people NO, 
and doing you. 
WHEN YOU KNOW YOUR ex IS TOXIC but you get lONEY AnD TAKE Him BACK anyway 

My ex has taught me that no 
matter how good of a man you 
are, you'll never be good enough 
for a guy who isn't ready to 
be a man. 
Let it hurt, babe, for as long as 
you need it to, but don't hold 
the pain like it's a bandage that 
covers a lifetime oftrauma. 
Deal with your trauma, so you 
can lay unrelated pain down, 
instead ofcarrying it like a 
weapon that you pull out to use 
against anything and everything 
that causes you to feel fear. 
You have carried the weight of 
the world for so long, you don't 
know who you are without it. 
For as long as you carty it, it 
holds you down. Put it down 
and lay it to rest, babe. You are 
better without it. I promise. 
Never push a loyal person 
to the point where they 
no longer care. 
remind us that nothing 
last forever, you can be 
happy today and sad 
tomorrow, time is precious 
and should not be wasted, 
enjoy life and remember 
don't count your days, 
make vour davs count. 

Saturday, September 26, 2020

You deserve someone 
who isn't confused 
about the feelings 
they have for you. 
It sucks when you want to 
be heartless, but you know 
That's not who you 

Sometimes, the person you 
need to talk to the most is 
in heaven. 

Friday, September 25, 2020

Your gut is more 
powerful than anyone's 
Nothing annoys me more than 
when someone expects you to be 
okay with something that they 
wouldn't be okay if it was 
done to them. 

Thursday, September 24, 2020

One day it just clicks. You realize what's 
important and what isn't. You learn to 
care less about what other people think 

of you and more about what you think 
of yourself. You realize how far you've 
come and you remember when you 

thought things were such a mess that 
you would never recover. And you 

smile. You smile because you are truly 
proud of yourself and the person you've 
fought to become. 
Trust me, 
I know how it feels. 

I know exactly how it feels to cry in 
the shower so no one can hear you, and 
waiting for everyone to fall asleep so you 
can fall apart, for everything to hurt 
so bad you just want it all 
to end. 
I love him 
not for the way he dances
with my angels, but for the way 
The sound of his name can 
silence my demons 

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Please love yourself,
even on the days when you 
aren't fulfilling your own 
The two wolves in me are not at war. In fact, 
they are lovers. The black wolf is powerful 
and reckless and howls at the moon. The 
white wolf is spiritual and kind and prefers 
bathing under the sun. They are polar 
opposites, therefore they are the perfect pair. 

I feed them both. I control them both. 
Go for someone who is 
not only proud to have you, 
but will take risks to 
keep you. 
"We'll figure it out together" 
is a love 
I'm sorry I mistook all our 
laughs, long nights, sweet texts 
and inside jokes as you caring. 
I'll think twice before wasting 
my time again. 

Hands up!

Raise your hand if you've ever 
dated an abusive man that yelled 
when he was accused, cried when 
he got caught, and somehow 
it was always your 
You think you can 
hurt me? 

I'm an overthinker. 
I already knew you were 
going to hurt me. 

Monday, September 21, 2020

I was good enough, 
but you made me believe 
I wasn't. 
Never forget who ignored 
you when you needed them 
and who helped you before 

you even had to 
Sometimes it's not the 
person you miss. 

It's the feeling you had 
when you were with 

Saturday, September 19, 2020

When you're too 
accessib[e, peop]e will
take advantage. 
There are people 
who love you. 

Stop focusing on 
The ones who don't. 
No matter how much 
you water it, a dead 
flower will never 
I think it's imoortant 
to realize you can miss 

something, but not 
want it back. 

Friday, September 18, 2020

If you want to be trusted, 
be honest. 

Thursday, September 17, 2020

May you get a sign that shows you 
that you're on the right path and that 
things are flowing and moving in your 
favor. May the sign be evident, clear, 
and direct. 
I had to stop being so 

I was overlooking the 

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

I know there are times when I'm 
actually hard to be with. You fall in 
love with someone who has so 
many problems and I just want to 
say thank you for being there for 
me despite that reasons not to. 
I have a lot of flaws that could 
have pushed you away, but you're 
still there, trying to keep me. 

What if it does work out exactly how 
you imagined it or greater. Entertain 
that thought. 
If you don't like me, 
please don't pretend 
That you do. 

My silence means I am tired of 
fighting, and now there is nothing 
left to fight for. 

My silence means I am tired of 
explaining my feelings to you, but now 
I don't have the energy to explain 
them anymore. 

My silence means I have adapted to 
the changes in my life, and I don't want 
to complain. 

My silence means I am on a self-healing 
process, and I am trying to forget everything 
I ever wanted from you. 

My silence means I am just trying to 
move on gracefully with all my dignity. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

You have no idea how 
long something you say 
can stay in someone's 

Scarlett Leithold 
Underestimate me. 
That'll be fun. 

Monday, September 14, 2020

It's hard to trust 
when all you have from 
the past is evidence why 
you shouldn't. 
The drugs never loved you & 
the people who gave them to 
you didn't either. 
There comes a point in your life when you 
realize who matters, who never did, who 
won't anymore, and who always will. And in 
the end you leam who is fake, who is true 
and who would risk it all for you. 

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Yes I know one


(n.) a more polite term 

for a self-loving, maipulative 
evil asshole with no soul. 
There's always some truth 
behind just kidding, knowledge 
behind don't know, emotion 
behind don't care, and pain 
behind it's okay. 

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

I'm so grateful for 
the people who don't give 
up on me and are patient 
with me while I'm distant 
and trying to figure 
myself out. 
The best way 
to find a true and  
loyal friend is 
to be one. 
You know  what's attractive? 
Seeing people change for that one person. 

Whether it's cutting down their drinking habits 
or to stop doing drugs, and maybe even something 
 small like. to stop swearing. It just proves that 
when it comes down to it, they would do 
whatever it takes to see that 
Person happy.. 

Stopping habits is a hard thing to do 
 and to see people actually doing that 
for someone's love is really 
attractive to me. 

Monday, September 7, 2020

Hardest thing in 
the world is
fixing a heart 
you didn't break. 

Sunday, September 6, 2020

I no longer have patience 
for certain things, 

not because I've become arrogant, 
but simply because I reached a point in my life 
where I do not want to waste more time with 
what displeases me or hurts me. 

I have no patience for cynicism, excessive 
criticism and demands of any nature. 

I lost the will to please those who do not like me, 
to love those who do not love me and to smile at those 
who do not want to smile at me. 

I no longer spend a single minute on those 
who lie or want to manipulate. I decided not to 
coexist anymore with pretense, hypocrisy, 
dishonesty and cheap praise. 

Jose Micard Teixeira 
Intimacy is not 
who you let touch you. 

Intimacy is who you text 
at 3am about your dreams 
and fears. 

Intimacy is giving someone 
your attention, when ten other 
people are asking for it. 

Intimacy is the person 
always in the back ofyour mind, 
no matter how distracted 
you are. 

Friday, September 4, 2020

Everyone talks about how hard it is to 
trust people after you've been hurt. 
But barely anyone talks about how 
hard it is to trust *yourself* when 
you've had your gut instincts and 
convictions skilfully undermined by 


Wednesday, September 2, 2020

If I ever stop talking to you & remove 
you from my life, I hope you 
understand how hard it was for me. I 
have a bad habit of holding onto the 
little bit of good in ppl, no matter how 
bad they clearly are for me. So if I don't 
fw you anymore, it's bc you pushed me 
past my limits. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2020