Saturday, April 5, 2008

Did you think I was lost?

Ha, well no, I know exactly where I am, NOT at work!!! So in summary, the fligt was uneventful, laned in Taipei, it was cold and rainy, thought I was in Arkansas again. Arrived in Medan Indonesia around 2:45 pm local time Friday, that would be 2:45 am Friday morning in Arkansas. My friends was there to pick me up at the airport, customs and immigration was a breeze. Since my arrival it's been SOOOO much fun. Medan is a huge city, lots of traffic but it keeps moving. American drivers would not make it here trust me. Today is Sunday around 11:00 am Medan time, flight to Jakarta is at 3:15 this afternoon, then Monday from Jakarta to Bali. Not sure when I'll post again but will try as soon as I can. Internet is not really my priority right now :)

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