Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Emotional abuse works like this: You are screamed at, 
and then, not knowing any better, you stand up for 
yourself. You think this is a way of being strong. You 
think this is a defense tactic.But this only provokes more 
screaming. Going silent provokes more screaming too, 
but usually it keeps the threats to the minimum. It keeps 
it just at screaming and not: a shove down the stairs, or 
order to pack your stuff and get out. So you learn how 
to go silent. How to play dead. How to cry without 
making a noise. How to swallow noise. How to wipe your 
cheeks, get out of the car, and go about your day. You 
learn. And when the screaming has stopped, when the 
two of you are in the car or out to dinner and they're all 
smiles, all asking for favors, all questions, you are still 
hurt and annoyed and want to ask them, how? How can 
you speak to me like that? How can you pretend you did 
not say those things? How can you have forgotten? But 
you've learned. So you listen to, "Can I borrow your 
key"s and "how was your day"s and you play dead. You 
swallow the noise. And sometimes it doesn't matter who 
is speaking to you, it doesn't matter if they're a friend, it 
doesn't matter if their criticism is constructive, it doesn't 
matter. You've learned. Any sort of speaking, any raising 
of the voice, any insult and you play dead 

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